To Seoul in May for WMEMC

I’m pleased to have been invited by the Scientific Committee of the World Media Economics and Management Conference to present my latest paper at WMEMC’s next biennial meeting this May in Seoul, South Korea.

When Journalism Professors Moonlight

Journalism professors who themselves have no academic training or professional experience in business yet who either believe they have solutions to the news industries’ business problems or who without that training or experience teach ‘media entrepreneurship’ dilute and interfere with the real solutions to the actual problems of media management and news business models.

About Yet Another Print Magazine Imploding

As yet another magazine ceases publication in print, let’s discuss the general reason why the Mass Media is imploding and being superseded by Individuated Media.

The Continuing Implosion of Mass Media

As the Informational Era era and its Individuated Media supersedes the Industrial Era, the latter’s centuries-old forms of media industries (colloquially known as ‘Mass Media’) continue to implode. The remnants of the what used to be known as the Newspaper Association of America absorbs the U.S. Magazine Publishers Association.

Know What You’re Talking About in New Media

“The definition of the thing establishes its essence.” – ‘Metaphysics’, Aristotle (384-322 BCE) Know what are talking about. Otherwise, you might become a producer of hype rather than success. Words have real meanings. The traditional media industries are so woefully misusing terminology…

Read about ‘Individuated Media’ in the Nordic Journal of Media Management

This article published the peer-reviewed Nordic Journal of Media Management asserts that new, extremely popular modes of media services have arisen during the past 25 years that need to be critically categorized as different from the Mass Media we have known from…

The Newspaper Cataclysm

The financial disaster unforlding for the daily ewspaper industries due to the coronavirus pandemic is a late-stage event in an even greater struggle that has been underway in the media environment for more than 25 years. As the Industrial Era wanes and the Informational Era dawns, the predominant means by which most people under age 40 in developed countries obtain news, entertainment, and other information is now via Individuated Media rather than Mass. Click the headline to read this essay to find out what Individuated Media are and why they are supersededing Mass Media.

The Correspondent Struts the Catwalk

I think The Correspondent will be just a boutique operation. It is in vogue, will have its time on the catwalk, but isn’t a journalism business model that can be widely used. My prediction is that The Correspondent itself will succeed, but it won’t have a scalable business model..[click the headline to read this article that appeared in the December 2018 edition of the Digital Deliverance newsletter.]

Six Phases of U.S. Daily Newspapers’ Attempted Adaptation to Online

  I’ve worked in the daily newspaper industry most of my life. I am the fifth generation of my family in that business; we published a daily paper for 140 years. I teach postgraduate New Media Management at one of the major…