'Publishers Don't Understand that the Home Page is no longer the Gateway'

That’s online newspaper publishing pioneer Barry Paar’s lament last week at MediaSavvy. … They are desperately afraid of “aggregators” grabbing their headlines and treating them as wire services. Why are they afraid of aggregators? I understand the rationale, but it doesn’t really…

Tell Vin Crosbie to Take a Hike!

Ever want to do that? Join the club. George Simpson in MediaPost proposes some media industry-specific video games, in one of which you can. On a similar (if not so personal) note, we enjoyed veteran journalist Pye Chamberlayne‘s list of favorite links.

More Prototypes of Rollable E-Paper

I keep telling publishers that electronic paper isn’t science fiction but science fact, technologiy that will go into commercial production this decade. I’m particular a fan of the rollable versions. For example, the picture above is of Polymer Vision B&W prototype demonstrated…

More Data Why Publisher Who Don't Use E-Mail Marketing Are 'Missing the Boat'

DoubleClick’s analysis of e-mail marketing opening rates, click-through rates, order size, and revenues per e-mail during the 1st Quarter of 2004 gives an excellent example of why we think that most newspapers and magazines have ‘missed the boat’ by concentrating on Website…