BloggerCon II

Bloggers attending the BoggerCon II conference Saturday at Harvard University’s Law School voted that forming a trade association of bloggers and also giving advertisers better usage statistics about blogs are the two best paths toward generating revenues from blogging. During a session…

Will Attend BloggerCon

On Saturday, I’ll be attending BloggerCon at Harvard University Law School. Nearly 400 other people have registered to attend. I look forward to this conference’s sessions on What is Journalism?, Blogging in Business, Shirky’s Power Law, and Blogging as a Business. For…

'Mac-in-the-Box' Narrowcasting

I’ve agreed to talk on Monday to the University of Missouri’s Online Journalism class. I spoke to them in person last October, but this time I’ll be video narrowcasting the talk from my office in Connecticut. A complication is that ‘Mizzou’ uses…

Looking for Writing Assignments

I’m looking for a few publications for which I can write about subjects such as electronic publishing, e-mail, e-commerce, paid content, digital editions, and other phenomena of the Internet. I very much enjoyed my recent writing assignments for Online Journalism Review (on…

The Popular over the Authoritative?

Google, the de facto search engine of the Internet, indexes the most popular Web sites for a keyword, not the most authoritative. Meanwhile, I believe that Clay Shirky has accurately applied the Power Curve to the phenomenon known as blogging. And blogging…

New Graphic Interface Designs for News

Many people (recently, Editor & Publisher Magazine columnist Steve Outing) have written about how news Web sites need better graphical layouts. Most of those layouts date back to the early days of the Web, when designers were attempting to replicate printed page…